A documentary on the expletive's origin, why it offends some people so deeply, and what can be gained from its use.
Genre: Documentary
Actor: Reinhold Aman , Steven Bochco , Pat Boone , Benjamin C Bradlee , Drew Carey , Chuck D , Billy Connolly , John Crossley , Sam Donaldson , Janeane Garofalo , IceT , Bill Maher , Timothy Jay , Ron Jeremy , Alan Keyes , Janet LaRue , Dave Marsh , Judith Martin , Michael Medved , David Milch , Alanis Morissette , Geoffrey Nunberg , Jim OConnor , Tera Patrick , Robert W Peters , Spyder Jonez , David Shaw , David Skover , Kevin Smith , Hunter S Thompson , Sandra Tsing Loh , Michelle Krusiec , Steve Anderson , Andre Fontanelle , Dennis Prager , Eddie Murphy
Director: Steve Anderson
Country: United States of America
Release: 2006-11-10
Duration: 93 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0

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