An indictment of closeted politicians who lobby for anti-gay legislation in the US.
Genre: Documentary
Actor: Tammy Baldwin , Wayne Barrett , Elizabeth Birch , Chris Bull , John Byrne , David Catania , Gary Cathey , Steven Clemons , Mark Cromer , Kirk Fordham , Barney Frank , Neil Giuliano , Larry Gross , Patrick Guerriero , Dan Gurley , Frederick Hertz , Jim Hormel , Jim Kolbe , Larry Kramer , Tony Kushner , Dina Matos McGreevey , Rodger McFarlane , James McGreevey , Bob Norman , Kevin Naff , David Phillips , Dan Popkey , Alexander Robinson , Michael Rogers , Hilary Rosen , David Rothenberg , Tom Sheridan , Michelangelo Signorile , Andrew Sullivan , Rich Tafel , Matthew Weissman , Jose Antonio Vargas
Director: Kirby Dick
Writer: Kirby Dick
Country: United States of America
Release: 2009-01-01
Duration: 90 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0

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