In this uplifting film based on a true story, coach Jim Ellis (Terrence Howard) shocks the community and changes lives when, aided by a local janitor (Bernie Mac), he sets out to form Philadelphia's first black swim team. But the odds are against them as they battle rigid rules, racism and more.
Genre: Drama
Actor: Terrence Howard , Bernie Mac , Kimberly Elise , Tom Arnold , Brandon Fobbs , Alphonso McAuley , Regine Nehy , Nate Parker , Kevin Phillips , Scott Eastwood , Evan Ross , Gary Anthony Sturgis , Jesse Moore , Carol Sutton , Tony Bentley , Vance Strickland , Louis Herthum , Wayne Ferrara , George Sanchez , Anthony Bean , Jim Ellis III , Harold Evans , Catherine Shreves , Terence Rosemore
Director: Sunu Gonera
Country: Germany , United States of America
Release: 2007-03-23
Duration: 104 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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