The directorial debut of Dustin Hoffman, Quartet is a high-drama comedy about temperamental divas and old grudges, passion and pride, romance and Rigoletto. At a home for retired musicians, the annual concert to celebrate Verdi's birthday is disrupted by the arrival of Jean, an eternal diva and former wife of one of the residents. Expect poignancy and plenty of laughs.
Genre: Drama , Comedy , Romance
Actor: Maggie Smith , Tom Courtenay , Billy Connolly , Pauline Collins , Michael Gambon , Sheridan Smith , Jumayn Hunter , Shola Adewusi , Andrew Sachs , Trevor Peacock , David Ryall , Michael Byrne , Ronnie Fox , Luke Newberry
Director: Dustin Hoffman
Writer: Ronald Harwood , Ronald Harwood
Country: United Kingdom
Release: 2012-09-08
Duration: 98 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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