In a countryside town bordering on a magical land, a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he'll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm. His journey takes him into a world beyond his wildest dreams and reveals his true identity.
Genre: Adventure , Fantasy , Romance , Family
Actor: Claire Danes , Charlie Cox , Michelle Pfeiffer , Robert De Niro , Sienna Miller , Ricky Gervais , Jason Flemyng , Mark Strong , Ian McKellen , Peter OToole , Rupert Everett , Sarah Alexander , Melanie Hill , Joanna Scanlan , Kate Magowan , David Kelly , Nathaniel Parker , Dexter Fletcher , Henry Cavill , David Walliams , Mark Heap , Mark Williams , Adam Buxton , Bimbo Hart , Alastair MacIntosh , Ben Barnes , Darby Hawker , Frank Ellis , Struan Rodger , Julian RhindTutt , George Innes , Jake Curran , Grant Burgin , Olivia Grant , Coco Sumner , Terry Murphy , Geoff Bell , Mark Burns , Rab Affleck , Carlos Besse Peres , Elwin Chopper David , Adam Fogerty , Chris Silver Finigan
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Writer: Matthew Vaughn , Neil Gaiman , Jane Goldman
Country: Iceland , United Kingdom , United States of America
Release: 2007-08-09
Duration: 127 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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