Tristan & Isolde
An affair between the second in line to Britain's throne (Franco) and the princess of the feuding Irish (Myles) spells doom for the young lovers.
Genre: Drama , Romance , Adventure , Action
Actor: James Franco , Sophia Myles , Rufus Sewell , David OHara , Mark Strong , Henry Cavill , Bronagh Gallagher , Ronan Vibert , Lucy Russell , J B Blanc , Graham Mullins , Leo Gregory , Dexter Fletcher , Richard Dillane , Hans Martin Stier , Thomas Morris , Jamie Thomas King , Wolfgang Mller , Cheyenne Rushing , Barbora Kodetov , Isobel Moynihan , Thomas BrodieSangster , Gordon Truefitt , Myles Taylor , Jack Montgomery , Marek Vaut , David Fisher , Bronwen Davies , Philip OSullivan , Nevan Finegan , Jn lafsson , Todd Kramer , Winter Ave Zoli , Miroslav imnek , Kevin Flood
Director: Kevin Reynolds
Writer: Dean Georgaris
Country: Czech Republic , Germany , United Kingdom
Release: 2006-04-07
Duration: 125 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0

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